
Bit of an inconvenient holiday in the fourth week before handin but I'd like to see as much of the world as possible.. Tenerife's a strange place, its what England would be like with hot weather, in fact it was pretty hard to find a Spanish person yet alone a restaurant or some culture..

For me everything on the island was pointing the wrong way, the island had the most amazing topography that nobody seemed to care about. Instead they all festered around the beaches which were like all the other beach resorts everywhere else in the world..

Nic's tips: Soul City for a good English breakfast

The Deep

Hull's gone under massive changes in recent years, The Deep is an aquarium and a landmark building. Themed upon a ship bursting out of the ground it's designed to raise the international profile of the city.

Going through the building was a bit like been on the starship enterprise sometimes (even Patrick Stewert's voice was there!) But lots of information was readily accessible to people of all ages, lots of fish of course.. And a rather large tank! Which you can see us come out of on the video, all 6 meters of it..

RSA Lecture - Jason Prior

Head of EDAW European department Prior's lecture concentrated on three large projects
  1. The regeneration of Manchester
  2. The Blackpool masterplan
  3. The Olympic Games

EDAW have found an image that works well in the market, city councils and others subscribe to the corporate feeling that their company produces. Hardly surprising as it is the commercial sector that towns now look to for economic success..

Blackpool Masterplan

Though I don't doubt that Prior was sincere in believing that EDAW was making the world a better place it was interesting to hear Wayne Hemmingway speak before of the Blackpool master plan at the Shifting Sands conference.

Hemmingway went to Blackpool as a child with many fond memories of the town and was a little hacked off at the proposed development by EDAW. He put forth the argument that such developments kill the spirit of the place, that the qualities of a place must be retained.

This is a debate that will affect the future of many towns. Which way forward do we take?